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About Casa Solana


The guiding principle of Sunshine house, Casa Solana is the belief that alcoholic and other drug addicted women have specific needs which can be met with individual care, love, concern, guidance and education.


The Board of Directors and staff consider addiction to alcohol and other drugs a deadly disease exceeded only by cancer and heart disease as a cause of death in this country. Women confronted with this disease deserve help when they need and want it the most. Recovery is a life long process.


Casa Solana Inc. is a nonprofit organization for public benefit created to establish and operate a social model recovery home for alcohol/ drug addicted women in San Luis Obispo county.

Casa Solana remains the first and only recovery home for women in San Luis Obispo county. Established March 1st, 1985 as a recovery home for alcoholic women, Casa Solana was re-licensed September 1st, 1990 to include drug addicted women.


Operating expenses are met with donations from the public, businesses, clubs, church groups, resident fees, in-kind services from volunteers, and grants from various government agency's in the county of San Luis Obispo, including the department of drug and alcohol services, and the city of San Luis Obispo. Casa Solana is also partially funded by the united way of San Luis Obispo.


Friends of Casa, Casa Solana alumni, and numerous professionals from the community are just some of the many volunteers who offer continuity of support to each of the women during their recovery. volunteers also contribute time, energy and skills to maintain and repair Casa Solana facilities, grounds, equipment, appliances, and furniture. alumni in particular are encouraged to stay actively involved in Casa Solana after their graduation.


Casa Solana's Mission

To provide the opportunity for recovery and self-sufficiency to motivated substance and alcohol addicted women on the central coast by offering a safe, social model living environment, utilizing educational programs. 


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

©2019 Casa Solana, Inc.

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